Need a digital marketing agency to help your company thrive? Here is what you need to look for to find success!

You have finally followed your passion and started your own company. After extensive research and experiments to find the most successful marketing, you realize that you are way more knowledgeable about traditional forms than modern, technology-based ones. It’s time to find a professional digital marketing company that knows the ins and outs of what it takes to succeed online.

Businesses worldwide have learned how to thrive by making millions of potential clients aware of their existence through the internet. Companies once thought online marketing wasn’t necessary for local sales, but that is no longer true with your target market looking at various social media platforms and Google for reviews on how others feel about your products and services. They also search for locations “near me”.

The next thing is knowing how to choose a marketing agency that has the experience to give your business its best chance and help you grow. Many questions may be running through your mind, and we are going to help you weed through some of the most common ones.

What is your marketing strategy missing?

You may have a great plan but have no idea how to execute it. Alternatively, you may not even know where to start or where you would like to attract customers. The right marketing company can help you weed through your needs and wants and implement a plan down the right path. 

Where are the company’s core values and services?

You can determine what a company is all about by reading their mission statement, but that doesn’t tell the whole story, does it? What motivates the person with whom you will have the most contact? What is important to them? If someone doesn’t believe in the same values that you do, it may not turn out to be a good relationship.

Very rarely is someone good at everything they attempt to do, and the same is true for companies. This means that finding an agency to match your needs is essential to a great partnership that results in growth. You may want to know if any of the work will be outsourced or if everything is done in-house and adjust your decision according to your desires.

What forms of digital marketing do they use? This can include short and long blog posts in a variety of writing styles, SEO marketing, social media management, paid advertising, website design, landing pages, eBooks, and more.

Who are some of the company’s past and current clients? Is the company familiar with your industry?

Knowing that the services you receive and what they provide to others won’t always be the same, you can still analyze the success of some past projects. Having a company who focuses on one industry may not be such a great idea because of conflicts of interest that may arise with your competitors.

The method of selling doesn’t necessarily change a great deal when they don’t know much about your industry, so this doesn’t have to be a gamechanger; however, if they are performing something like content writing for you, it may be beneficial to find someone who already knows the jargon. Conversely, a marketing company with a fresh perspective may have strategies that you have never thought of and would be a plus in your campaign.

What are their expectations of you as a client?

This is an important component! You may hire a company who likes a hands-off approach. You give them their parameters and they take off with it. However, if they are a company that prefers constant communication, you may want to know that ahead of time.

If you don’t feel you have time to provide information on a regular basis, they should know that. Conversely, you don’t want to pick a company that won’t have the time to talk to you, if that’s your preference. Communication is key in every partnership.

How are results measured? How and when will you see the results?

There is no standard on how results are delivered, but both sides should know what to expect as they enter into a marketing partnership. Marketing is more of a journey than a destination. It can take months, and even years in some circumstance, to define the best marketing avenues for your business.

Maybe you would like to see the results on a monthly basis. If you are relying on the company for SEO (Search Engine Optimization), there is a realistic timeline for how long it will take to see results after your campaign has begun. How long will it take to notice results from placing a Google ad? This is knowledge to have ahead of time so that you don’t go into the partnership expecting something that isn’t likely to occur.

You have put your time and energy into delivering your passion to others, but you want to reach more people. Finding the right digital marketing agency will go a long way to ensuring your success. Having well-informed expectations before you enter into any partnership will bring your company success and give you peace of mind. Know what your chosen marketing agency stands for and what they can do for you ahead of time. 

In your search for a digital marketing agency, here at HourGlass Media, we have provided successful omni-channel marketing for over 3,000 small to medium-sized businesses nationwide. We love hearing new and familiar stories alike to institute a plan that meets your objectives. We realize that each company has its unique needs, and we strive to create the optimal solutions that your need to thrive.